Some important changes to our services
Firstly we would like to thank all of our customers for your support and patience at this time. We have worked hard to remain open and have as much stock variation as possible.
To protect our customers and staff we have various procedures in place, please continue to help us by following the guide lines:
We have hand sanitizer available at the entrance, please santitize your hands before entering the shop even if you are wearing gloves.
We have not laid out a one way system as the shop lends itself to this practise, but please be aware and keep the recommended distance from others. If staff feel there are too many people at one time we may ask you to wait outside.
You are welcome to pay with either cash or card, contact-less payments are available.
If you do not wish to enter the shop you can call through you order, pay over the phone and collect, we can even load it straight into your car if you wish.
The second hand tack shop is open to purchase items such as tack and clothing, however, please not we ARE NOT accepting any new stock in at the moment. We will let everyone know when this situation changes. Second hand items still require cash for purchase, we do no accept card payments for second hand items.
Our rug wash service is available but your rug MUST be placed into a bin bag with the breast buckle at easy reach to allow staff to attached the tags without handling the rug.
If you are suffering from a cough, cold or hay fever that's causing you to cough and sneeze, to make it more comfortable for everyone, please just let us know we are more than happy to serve you from outside, or alternatively call and collect.
Thank you once again, stay safe and well, from the whole team at Sandwich Animal Feeds.